
Monday, September 07, 2015


KPOP Fun Run 2015 is the first running event that has been acknowledged by the Korean Cultural Center (KCC) here in the country. This event aims to bring the whole Filipino K-POP community to a healthier and more active celebration of Korean music.

KPOP Fun Run 2015 was held last September 5 at the Quirino Grandstand.  A lot of KPOP fans joined this event. It started with a warm up exercise. The runners have to finish three laps and after each laps we were given a light stick. Three light stick means you’re done with the 5k run. While running Korean music’s are played to boost up the runners energy, or you can sing a long while you run.

Instagram Photo by @choistephie

There are Korean merchandise stalls where you can purchase your favorite albums and other Korean stuff that a fan girl or fan boy must have.

KPOP merch @ the KPOP FUN RUN 2015

KPOP merch @ the KPOP FUN RUN 2015

KPOP merch @ the KPOP FUN RUN 2015


FanClubs @ KPOP FUN RUN 2015

FanClubs @ KPOP FUN RUN 2015

FanClubs @ KPOP FUN RUN 2015

A lot of fan clubs joined this event too. While visiting the booths each fan clubs prepare some fun games where you can win exciting prizes.

What I didn’t like about the event:
These things should really have to be said and these are the areas for improvement:

1. Stalls should be labeled even though the organizers posted a map of where all the stalls are located before the run. Not all the participants can exactly remember where the stalls located are. We really had a hard time figuring out where are the baggage counters, the race claiming kit section (especially for those who will claim their race kits on the day itself).

2. It is a KPOP fun run where Korean music should be played, but when we get on the location the first music that reaches my ear is not Korean music. I believe that even though the activity haven’t started yet the organizers should have played more Korean music cause that is the heart of this event. That is what the entire participants have in common their love for Korean music.

3. There is only one water station. Really? There is not enough manpower here since this station should have lots of water ready for the runners. There is only one man in this section who is pouring water on the cups and after our first lap I saw that it’s the runners who fill their cups. And the worst is that the last wave of runners didn’t get water at all. Are you trying to dehydrate the runners under the scorching sun?

4. Upon claiming the finisher’s medal and other freebies the runners were asked to return their race bib and one light stick. Seriously? I asked one of the staff why we have to return the race bib (I don’t mind to return one light stick) but the staff just tells me that it’s what was told to them. When all the finishers got their medals and loot bags I’ve heard the hosts announcing the numbers on stage returning our race bibs. It’s good that I have a photo of my race bib so I know my number but for other runners who forgot their numbers I was like OH NO!!! It is really a wrong move on the organizers part to get the race bib in the first place then return it after. If they really want to make sure that the runners who only finish the race will get the finishers medal and loot bags, well we have the three light sticks indicating that we finish the three laps for the 5k run then they can just mark the race bib with a stamp, pen or marker.  It is a waste of time calling out race bib numbers on stage.

5.  There are no food stalls or either concessionaires on the event. It is indicated on the announcements that there are concessionaires on the event. Where are they?

6. When I got my race shirt I am so disappointed when I notice that the right side of the sleeve has a small hole which is not properly stitched. I paid for this and this is what I got.

7. There should have been a proper booth for the baggage counter instead of it being put in a L300 vehicle.

Though there some bad experiences we did still find ways to enjoy and have fun. Don’t let those bad experiences ruin the fun memories we had with our friends and fellow k-pop fans. Let’s all learn from those bad experience to make the next k-pop fun run even better.

Instagram Photo by: @choistephie

After the fun run there is supposed to be an after party where we all can enjoy but due to unforeseen weather condition it was cancelled. The organizers cancel this after party due to thunderstorm. Safety first.

Heavy rain started to fall.

Please see below statement from the organizers.

For more details please follow their facebook page: BIG EVENTS PH

To be a winner all you need to give is all you have.
Instagram photo by: @choistephie

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