
Saturday, July 16, 2016

EL NIDO 2015

I remember the first time I flew and it took me to the most beautiful place in the Philippines and that is in El Nido, Palawan.

Me and a group of friends went there last May of 2015. El Nido welcomes us with good food, picturesque view, crystal clear ocean, white sands and  amazing lagoons. So if you are the type of person who loves the beach, likes to dive in the water this is the best place for you. For all the water babies and beach bum like us, travelers and adventurers this place is a must-go.

I cant recall the names of the beach and lagoons that we visited but the memories we made still lives in my mind.

Our group is ready to explore El Nido.

A big jellyfish is at the shore. Don't get fooled by its beauty beware of its poison.

The food that we have at the island during our island hopping.
Below are some of the cafes and restaurants that we visited to fill out tummies.


We also had the chance to explore the city of Puerto Princesa, Palawan. I didn't get a lot of photos that day since my phone ran out of battery. But I did not forgot the pasalubongs (home coming gifts) for my family and friends. 

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