Are you a wish maker? Do you wish upon at the first sight of evening first star, on pulling on the long end of the turkey wishbone, in secret notes written on birch bark and tossed onto campfire, and of course, over birthday candles?
If you have three wishes what would it be?
I've never had the chance to travel abroad yet. Reason behind is that I vow to myself that the first country that I will visit is Korea. True to my word my passport got expired without a stamp (sad truth). Now that I got my passport renewed I am wishing and hoping that I can finally visit Korea soon in the near future.
So below is my video explaining why I love to go to Korea.
Disclaimer: Apologies for the low quality of the sound.
I am not artistic but this is the what I juiced out of my creativity. Those are cut out images from magazines which I put in a collage to make a story why I want to go to Korea.
I may not be big in words but to sum up here are the list of things that attracts me to visit KOREA.
Food. Culture. Cosmetics. Fashion Tradition. KPOP. Sights. History
I can go on and on with reasons why I love Korea. I might have the same reasons with everyone but my desire is as deep as the ocean and high as the sky.
So please let me re-tell my story and truly experience Korea.
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